Tarkovsky Gordon-Levitt

Tarkovsky Gordon-Levitt  Pro

Favorite films

  • Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky
  • The Great Elephant Escape
  • Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky
  • The Great Elephant Escape

Recent activity

  • Universal Language


  • The Baker's Wife


  • Paddington in Peru


  • Grand Illusion


Recent reviews

  • Universal Language

    Universal Language


    nice to see a film finally admit that the true iranian promised land is… winnipeg, canada.

    what a lovely, bizarre little film. it’s refreshing to see iranian cinema break free from the stranglehold of somber morality plays and weepy melodramas, finally carving out its own niche in offbeat genre filmmaking. this one, in particular, feels like a love letter to roy andersson, aki kaurismäki, and, of course, winnipeg’s own guy maddin.

    and before anyone gets offended - no, i’m not…

  • The Baker's Wife

    The Baker's Wife


    what if an entire french village behaved exactly like the best friend in a romantic comedy - completely devoted to the main character, with no real agency of their own, except for their shared obsession with that really good ‘n’ tasty baker’s bread?

    which is all to say: this is pretty damn funny. marcel pagnol taps into that universal human trait - the ability to set aside our anger and frustrations when given the opportunity to unite in the shared…

Popular reviews

  • No Time to Die

    No Time to Die


    consider me shocked.

    not because cary joji fukunaga couldn’t handle a bond film, his filmography has lead me to believe that he’s not only a fantastic director but someone who truly knows how to make a story sing. no, i’m just a little shocked that he and his team managed to salvage the narrative mess that was spectre into something both thrilling, absolutely fun (an entire sequence in cuba with ana de armes had me smiling from secret earpiece to…

  • Spider-Man: No Way Home

    Spider-Man: No Way Home


    it’s the greatest movie ever made so now i can finally take off my 35-year-old unwashed spidey pajamies, move out of the unregulated sectioned-off basement apartment i can barely afford, turn off my gaming computer that i’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on (money i should have probably instead spent on new clothes, a hair cut, a gym membership, decent healthy food and a few dates), stop talking about comic book movies on twitter/4chan/tiktok/instagram and just go outside and…