Deadpool & Wolverine

Deadpool & Wolverine

On one hand, I am tired of franchise films, tired of Ryan Reynolds' self-marketing, and tired of feeling tricked into watching advertisements that masquerade as entertainment products. On the other hand, I am just happy to see Wesley Snipes being thrown a bone, and that goes for the rest of the pre-MCU era Marvel film stars that were just out there having a good time making crap that 20 years later are still appreciated by losers like me with no taste.

Let's talk about this biggest problem this movie faces: a lack of care. It's all talk. Exposition is the biggest motivating factor for every character and it sucks. We don't get to see what happened with Wolverine, we only get the hearsay. We don't really get to see what happened with Deadpool outside of one incredibly bland flashback where he argues with his girlfriend. We don't get to see how or why the rest of these characters end up in the void, though admittedly that could be considered superfluous. We do get to see a lot of famous actors in cameos, and a lot of other Marvel superhero character references, and probably one or two too many Deadpool vs. Wolverine fight sequences. I sure do love spectacle as much as the next dweeb, but I also like to watch a movie with some amount of emotional core. This one is just faking it with some schmaltzy afterthought about "mattering," something that can only really be explored by showing and not telling, something this movie half-bakes with a non-answer.

The Liefeld's Just Feet gag was pretty good though.

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