Sausage Party

Sausage Party

I didn’t go into this film with high expectations, but I was still surprised at just how bad and unfunny of a comedy it is. Superficially, I was entertained. It’s so over the top and energetic that it’s easy to have fun watching it with friends, but it’s lacking any actual wit. The sense of humor is entirely a one trick pony. It thinks the novelty of an R rated Pixar-esque animated film is enough to carry an entire comedy film, but it gets old really fast. The extent of the humor is just showing sentient foods swearing, commiting violence, doing drugs, and generally misbehaving, and it just repeats the same bit again and again. None of the humor works on a level beyond pure shock value, and it’s so low brow that I could honestly only see it appealing to middle school boys. The film ends with one of the most over the top, graphic, and uncomfortable things I have ever seen in a movie, and that scene alone gives an idea of just how far this film is willing to go to shock the audience into a laugh. There are brief moments of effective comedy that come when the film isn’t just trying to be as offensive as possible, but they are few and far between. What makes it even more disappointing is that the film stars and is made by a ton of great talent and people who have been really funny in the past, but that talent just doesn’t translate. The film thinks that it can just be inappropriate as a substitute for being clever, but it falls flat and makes for one of the most painful and cringe inducing comedy films of the past 10 years.

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