Raiders of the Lost Ark

Raiders of the Lost Ark

For my money this is the best adventure movie of all time, and I don’t think there’s much argument that it’s the most iconic. Indiana Jones is one of the greatest characters in movie history, he’s awesome as the adventurer who can get himself out of danger and at many points face it head on, and he also has an incredibly entertaining personality that makes him a ton of fun to watch. The quest that he’s on here is a tried and true MacGuffin story that allows countless opportunities to display what makes Jones as a character so great. Harrison Ford is perfectly cast in the role as on a personality and humor level he’s basically playing himself here. I also really appreciated the character of Marion and how she was written, she’s not just a damsel in distress and a love interest for the leading man, but she actually is her own character with a distinct personality who can hold her own on this adventure even despite the fact she’s next to the greatest adventurer of all time. This is just one of those movies that makes me love movies, it’s so entertaining and has that classic Spielberg accessibility, but it’s also flawless on a quality level, from the camera work to the pacing to the writing, it was even nominated for best picture. Just about everything in this movie is now iconic over 40 years later, it’s a movie that I think everyone should watch at some point in life. Steven Spielberg is my favorite director of all time, basic pick, I know, but it says a lot that this is my favorite movie of his, I fall in love with it again every time I revisit it. 

Also it was kind of funny when the one guy started singing the H.M.S. Pinafore cause my High School choir has been singing that over the past couple months, Sideshow Bob did it better though.

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