tyler’s review published on Letterboxd:
lynch’s perspective on the world was unlike any other human i’ve ever seen or known of, and i’m eternally grateful that he shared his complex yet deeply empathic emotions through a life’s work of artistic expression through multiple mediums. i’m glad i still have to see a few more of his features. i’m glad i still haven’t finished twin peaks. i’m glad i still have so much of his music left to listen to. i’m glad i still have over a dozen short films yet to see. i’m glad i have yet to read his books. david is no longer with us, and his absence is already sorely felt, but his legacy is obviously far from over, and that’s the thought that’s gotten me through such a rough day. the work i’ve already experienced has reshaped my perception of the world around me and permanently altered my approach to all forms of art for the better. i will miss him dearly, but his influence has already seeped into areas of my life and the works of art from others, so he’s not really gone. i’m forever grateful i got to share this earth at the same time as david lynch.