The Lady Eve

The Lady Eve

“The Lady Eve” is a great classic romantic comedy. Funny, charming, and as erotic as they could get away with at that time. There is a lot of “people falling down” humor that isn´t really my thing, but the witty and fast-paced dialogue, entertaining con-woman plot, and the fantastic chemistry of the leads make up for it. Henry Fonda is loveable as the naïve, clumsy, and kindhearted millionaire Charles Pike but ultimately, it´s the Barbara Stanwyck show. Damn, what a screen presence. She delivers one of my favorite performances in the romantic comedy genre. The film also features inventive cinematography and editing (for example the wedding montage or the editing during the train part) and the closing line is an all-timer. There is still something missing to make it one of my favorite screwball comedies (I´m not sure what exactly) but “The Lady Eve” definitely deserves its cult film status.

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