Being John Malkovich

Being John Malkovich

Charlie Kaufman is a master in creating unique and crazy premises and making them work somehow. He is definitely one of the most creative screen writers working today.

“Being John Malkovich” also has such a unique premise: A socially awkward puppeteer finds a portal to the mind of actor John Malkovich and discovers that he is able to control him. Crazy, but it works. The film is part absurdist comedy (including ridiculously low ceilings, zany characters, satire of celebrity culture, and hilarious visualizations of Malkovich´s subconscious) and part melancholic drama that explores serious themes such as identity, sexuality, the loss of human connections, disappointment with life, and the desire to be someone else. John Malkovich fully embraces his role and is very entertaining to watch. The other three leads also deliver impressive performances, but their characters are all pretty unlikable (Craig Schwartz being the worst), which is why my emotional investment wasn´t that high.

“Being John Malkovich” is highly creative, very smart, and really entertaining. I respect it very much, but somehow, I couldn´t completely connect with the vibe of the film, which is why I don´t love it as much as I hoped.

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