A Tale of Two Sisters

A Tale of Two Sisters

“A Tale of Two Sisters” is a challenging, ambiguous, and confusing horror mystery film that requires your full attention from beginning to end but also rewards you with an intelligent and engaging story full of exciting twists and turns, astounding attention to detail, fascinating symbolism, and a satisfying conclusion/explanation. It all makes sense in the end.

Apart from the brilliant script, the film´s other strengths are the creepy and unsettling atmosphere, great set design (the movie mostly takes place in one location), stunning visuals, and strong acting performances. It is not as terrifying as I hoped, though, and has some minor pacing issues.

All in all, “A Tale of Two Sisters” is an intriguing mix of psychological horror and family drama (a combination I love very much) that probably requires more than one viewing to fully appreciate it. It is masterfully crafted as well as mysterious, disturbing, and heartbreaking. I will think about this film for a while.

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