Alan Yudman

Alan Yudman  Patron

Favorite films

  • The Godfather
  • The Godfather Part II
  • North by Northwest
  • Heat

Recent activity

  • Saturday Night


  • The Brutalist


  • Flow


  • My Old Ass


Recent reviews

  • Saturday Night

    Saturday Night


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    Fun movie. Manic energy. Some fun performances. Worth watching now that it’s on Netflix.

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    I don’t get it. The fits half of the movie is good. Brody is very good. Pearce is equal to him in every scene. 
    The second half of the film is a slog. Becomes a little “soapy” and involves Brody just yelling at everyone and taking more drugs. 
    Not in my top 10 but I know Oscar loves this self-important tripe. Oh, and Corbet is so far up his own ass that he wouldn’t cut anything. This is an argument for directors NOT having Final Cut. Sorry Brutalist hive, I’m out on this.

Popular reviews

  • Wicked



    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    I wanted to find a flaw with this. The runtime of 2:40 may be the only thing. That and possibly Goldblum & Yeoh’s speak singing. 
    The more I think on it maybe I’ll figure out something more, but it’s pretty flawless and a great time at the movies. 
    Erivo and Grande are perfectly cast. I tried to think who else could do it and I really could not think of anyone with the wattage and talent. 
    Actually looking forward to Part 2.

  • Conclave



    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    Edge of your pew twisty thriller. 
     Breath taking cinematography and a score that does just enough but never too much. 
    But it’s the acting. Oh the performances. Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, Jon Lithgow, Isabella Rossellini plus host of other international actors all give great performances. But Fiennes’ tortured Cardinal Lawrence is a notch above. 
    Another outstanding film by Edward Berger.