Wait Until Dark

Wait Until Dark

Audrey Hepburn has a way of pulling the audience in to her world without them realising, and in this dark and shady, crime focused world she does it again. Her range was quite something for the time. As a style icon and deliverer of some of the best lines of the time going way back to '53's Roman Holiday, I have a real soft spot for her.

The plot here in Wait Until Dark is fairly straightforward so I won't go there, as it'll be too easy to spoil it for others. I will summarise by saying this that is an easy to watch tense thriller with crime, drugs and beautiful people.

As a side note, there's good reason for Henry Mancini to be regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of film and this is one of them, 'Mr' Pink Panther & Breakfast at Tiffany's is on top form here, setting the atmospheric levels to 10 during the key scenes and not getting in the way during the setup.

COVIDeodrome - Film #2 - A film set mostly in one location

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