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Paint Drying

Movie Mondays: October with TheMovinator! 

This October, Movie Mondays is going to temporarily look a little different. Every weekend this month I will ask you all to choose which one of two horror films I have never seen I should review. This month will be very busy. I will be watching lots of horror/halloween movies as well as catching up on my priority watchlist. By the way, thank you all for the recommendations right from the start of Movie Mondays! Some of the recommendations I will finally set aside time to get to will go back to quite a while ago. So that’s the game plan for October with TheMovinator. A month full of discussions on both horror and past/recent recommendations. It’s gonna be fun! I’m really excited! 

So today I will leave the first review for my October marathon ( Starting on the last day of September. Who cares about the calendar! ) up to you. My question to you guys this weekend is, would you rather see a review of The Exorcist or Psycho ( 1960 )? Both are classic horror films I have never seen, it has been properly difficult to decide which one I should watch first so let me know which one you would like to see. 

Also, by all means if you want to make suggestions for Horror films you think I would like feel free to share them with me. All I’ll say is I am a Christian so I don’t want to watch stuff that has tons of gore or extreme content. Like Rob Zombie movies for instance. I don’t want to see too many movies that have lots of demonic elements either. But other than that I’m open to suggestions. 

If you want to get an idea what you’ve seen that I haven’t and vice versa here’s a link that can show you that.

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