This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Kevin Joshua Burnham’s review published on Letterboxd:
This review may contain spoilers.
“You know that stupid thing that someone does in a scary movie and everyone hates him for it? Well this is that stupid thing.”
I begin the review with the quote from the movie, because this very much sums up the movie as a whole. After it sets up for a great promise for a film, it falls flat to becoming dumber as the movie progresses. In fact it is infuriating how dumb this movie is with the main leads, side characters, and the creature itself.
Now for some things to break down. Let’s say if someone (God forbid) was to almost ram you several times from behind at full speed going down some isolated road, pass you. Next you see this “person” and their vehicle which previously almost rams you is throwing down a huge pipe body wrapped bags, jumps in the truck and this time rams you several times, but you narrowly escape.
Do you drive on to the nearest police station to inform the situation or do you investigate for yourselves the maniac? If you were to drive to the nearest authority and give a testimony you are 100% smarter than these two siblings.
Fast forward another problem, if this creature has wings and can carry victims, why drive a vehicle in the first place? Why exactly does it only eat for 23 days for the 23rd spring? It chooses some things to eat, and some things it doesn’t, why?
It becomes what it eats, so if it eats a pink flamingo will it grow pink feathers, or if it eats a pig, will it have a pig snout? You laugh, but I’m really asking some real questions I have.
What is with the woman that dreams and knows things? Huh? Why? So many rules with so many questions. Why do these young adults drive a 1960 Impala sedan? I never knew anyone driving such a beautiful classic car like that unless they were wealthy or a mechanic. Even then no young mechanic would go on a road trip with such a beautiful car. Maybe a Toyota Camry or a Honda Civic.
If it wasn’t for the cool creature design, film location or its truly eerie, creepy environment, I would say never watch this film. However, maybe watch it once, but don’t expect anything too original from its predictable horror film clichés.
Film’s Content :
Language : 11 F-words, 7 GD, 7 scatalogical terms, 4 anatomical terms, some mild language. Also name calling, sometimes obscene.
Sex/Nudity : See under Violence
Violence : A gruesome scene of dead nude bodies stitched together on the ceiling and walls. A beheading scene. Some gory scenes involving the creature happens in the last third of the film.