The_DeathReap3r’s review published on Letterboxd:
My rating: 9/10
I absolutely loved this, I didn’t at all get bored once through this really fun and colourful short film. The direction is just perfect from Anderson and his style just really shines throughout this whole film, the cinematography and visuals are just fantastic, the film just looks absolutely beautiful and is very well shot. I like how Wes Anderson is adapting these Roald Dahl stories and I’m very excited to watch the other three short films in the next three days. The humour is very quirky and hilarious which is pretty much every Anderson and it just doesn’t get old. The plot is also really interesting and fun. The cast is amazing and really match well with Anderson’s style. Benedict Cumberbatch is just masterful here in an Anderson film, Dev Patel kills it, Ralph Fiennes & Ben Kingsley also put in some great performances as well. Overall, this was a really fun short film with some absolutely beautiful visuals and yeah if you got a free 40 mins then I would highly recommend checking this one out!