Fail Safe

Fail Safe

Very early on, the similarities between one of my all-time favorite films Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb and Sidney Lumet's Fail-safe were staring me in the face. Personally, I prefer the satirical, humorous approach of Dr. Strangelove to the extremely grave tone of Fail-Safe. The subject of nuclear warfare in which millions of people would die and entire great cities would be destroyed, simply caused by a mistake out of anyone's control… well, it's almost too dark of a subject to play straight. I find it interesting that these two films (both based on books that were strikingly similar) came out around the same time but Dr. Strangelove sold way more tickets. I think that Fail Safe is very well-done, but I probably would've enjoyed it more if I didn't already love Dr. Strangelove.

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