Maxwell’s review published on Letterboxd:
I was ready to slap 4 stars on this thing but the ending really had me feeling that pacing that I loved for most of it. Other than that I do have some reservations but overall I found this to be mostly a breath of fresh air and a lot of fun. Maybe I’m tripping here, but I wish more people expressed how funny this was? This movie in a nutshell for me is this big monster killing all these kids for ruining his vibe and stealing his chain. With the amount of over the top gore and the way these dumbass kids talk there weren’t a lot of moments I found very scary but I thought this movie definitely has a lot of character and if all of what I said sounds like it’s a complaint I can assure you it’s not! I was having a blast slowly waltzing through this completely lush atmosphere. This genuinely has some really vivid lighting that feels very classic and like it’s burned into my screen. I love the way the lake glimmers and the bushes can sparkle. The presentation here is really clever and for the most part it’s very easy to get immersed in this little movie. I’d say my big problem with the presentation is that when it requires just a bit more momentum, the editing here really doesn’t cut it, and in those moments I felt it did show its more amateur setbacks. And like I said I’m completely dumbfounded by that ending and just didn’t think it worked for me. I loved how the pacing and all the energy of the movie was built around him and I feel like they take that away from us for the end and don’t really give us much at all. I wish we really could’ve saw the killer through to the end but I don’t know maybe I’ll feel different on a rewatch. That being said, I still really enjoyed this a lot and I’m at least a little surprised there’s a good amount of people who vehemently hate this. I was supposed to see this in theaters and I’m so sad I didn’t because it would’ve probably went crazy! Anyways I’m always up for something new and full of personality and this definitely did it for me!