Star7Ti’s review published on Letterboxd:
I WILL SPEAK MY TRUTH ✊️✊️✊️.....quietly. I dont like the pacing, The way the Characters are written nor the Sounddesign, Personal Preferences but I can see why so many love it. Visually engaging but for such a Dialogue heavy Movie, Let the Dialogue sit. So much fucking Music, Itself the Music is good but quiet down Man. No need to be so overdramatic with the Music when nothing is happening.
The Movie barely dives any deeper into The Characters, for me personally having a Biopic means diving deeper into the nature of said Historical Figure and Oppenheimer left so much Room for a Man dealing with Morality and creating a Bomb for it to just explore barely anything of that? (Calling him various Traits doesnt count as writing a Character well)
The Movie doesnt bring anything new to Oppenheimer as a Person, Its a dry Caricature of a Person whos mind was fascinating. Fucked up but so much more Interesting than this Movie lets him be.
Even if this Movies focus wouldnt be about Oppenheimer but instead focus on the Invention of the Bomb, Its still flawed and lacks a lot of Impact the creation had.
Most People already know History and the Outcome in its dry Textbooks, so Imo Movies have such a Ability to visualize the Impact that Textbooks cant portray but The Film did nothing of that.
Nolan is a extraordinary Filmmaker and I can appreciate that but I just cant connect with the way he writes Characters, especially in a Movie that depends on that.
I like the way he made the Quick cuts work with every other Director it prob wouldnt especially not for 3hrs straight.
I get why Filmbros dont like Woman when the only Time a Woman is opening their Mouth here, Its about No Kitchen, Becoming a Housewife, being a Mother and WOAH SUPRISE while Fucking. I would hate Woman too if thats the only Time I get to see one upclose 🫶 Anyway I dont hate this Movie as much as it sounds, rewatching it was a Drag but I had a lot of fun the first Time. My dislike for this Movie is moreso fueled by Filmbros not letting you criticise Movies (This is targetted), Like okayyy yeah I get it "I just didnt understand the Movie" and atp I am fine with that, I am not the target Audience and thats Cool.
Also love the Performances and the Bomb scene is one of the Most terrific Beautiful scenes ever, The usage of B/W to Color is so fucking engaging.
Rewatched for the 2min Devon Bostick Screentime.