Spencer’s review published on Letterboxd:
This was amazing and I think it’s perfect for what it is. Deadpool and wolverine make an amazing team up and I think wolverine and Deadpool always needs to be rated R because wolverine was fucking brutal and it just matches his character same as Deadpool too. All the cameos in this were amazing especially the end fight scene with deadpool and wolverine vs people (not trying to spoil anything). The villain of the movie was pretty good, but wasn’t as good as cable. I cannot tell you how good this movie is because it’s just amazing and I haven’t felt like this for a movie since Dune part 2 and that’s kinda a long time. All the jokes were amazing and it just felt like a classic Marvel movie but with swearing lots of violence which I love btw. The best scene in the movie is probably the opening scene because all the blood was amazing and everything I would want from this movie. The cinematography was pretty good same as the score but the soundtrack was amazing though. The visual effect can be good as sometimes, but it can be kinda bad too but I guess that’s kinda normal for Marvel movies now. I give this a 10/10 I had very high expectations for this movie and it blew past it because it’s a very fun and funny movie to watch and I highly recommend watching this in IMAX 3-D because that’s what I did and it was amazing experience because you can tell some of the scenes were meant for IMAX and 3-D