Scott Anderson’s review published on Letterboxd:
The word reboot only matters if you are familiar with the original work. I have still never seen a single thing in the world of Star Trek other than this Abrams films. That will change tomorrow when I go see Into Darkness in IMAX, but even so it will remain that Star Trek will be known by me as his movies, which I know makes life long fans of the franchise want to throw up.
I grew up a ridiculously hardcore Star Wars fan, watching the holy trilogy on VHS at least once a week, and as such I accepted the ridiculous idea that being a fan of the Wars meant I had to make fun of and hate the Trek. I avoided anything with the word Trek in it like the plague, and to be perfectly honest I fully intended on avoiding this film as well until a friend of mine, a partner in crime with the Star Wars obsession while in grade school, told me "Dude, trust me, you have to watch it". I followed his advice, and I was blown away.
I love this movie. I have a couple moments that feel a little off to me, like for some reason I find the sequence in which Leonard Nimoy explains the entire plot of the red matter and the black hole to me to be awkward, but about 98 percent of this movie hits all the right notes and thrills me throughout.
I have no interest in going back and learning about the old stories and mythology and comparing and contrasting them to this film and STID. I think a part of me just refuses to do it, after spending so much time pretending I hated it growing up, it has been burned into my soul to the point that I couldn't now enjoy it and take it all back. I can't stop myself from loving this take on it though, and I hope I feel the same or more for the sequel.