• (500) Days of Summer

    (500) Days of Summer


    Love is beautiful, but when you are with the wrong person, you will suffer a lot. I understand the feeling of betrayal that happened with Tom because when you love someone who only wants to satisfy themselves with the illusion they create about being loved, you will be the victim because you believed this illusion and loved the person you knew. However, over time, you will discover this reality, and it will change you completely. Living in the illusion of…

  • (500) Days of Summer

    (500) Days of Summer


    Ughh shit it's my 3rd time I think I'm being obsessed with this , It's a sign of being careful in my relationships

  • (500) Days of Summer

    (500) Days of Summer


    You will probably see this movie twice , once on the screen and once in your life
    Im fucked up

  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

    Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith


    " Anakin .. you're breaking my heart "
    " you're going down a path, I can't follow " 
    " I love you "
     " Liar "

    "Anakin turns towards the dark side of the Force, as he collaborates with Palpatine, leading to the breakdown of his relationship with Padmé. In the end, his anger symbolizes an internal struggle between his love for Padmé and his doubts about her feelings for him. This struggle reflects themes of love, loss, and choice, and shows how anger can lead to a loss of trust and love." 

    ( I hate padme )

  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

    Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith


    1. القصة: الفيلم يتناول الأحداث التي تؤدي إلى تحول أناكين سكاي ووكر إلى دارث فيدر. يبدأ الفيلم في فترة حرجة من الحرب، حيث يواجه أنكين صراعًا داخليًا بين ولائه للجمهورية ورغباته الشخصية. القصة متشابكة ومعقدة، وتربط بين الأحداث السابقة وتعد تمهيدًا للأجزاء القادمة.

    ‎2. الشخصيات: التطور الشخصي لأنكين هو محور الفيلم. يُظهر الفيلم كيف يتحول من بطل شاب إلى شخصية مظلمة، مما يعكس الصراع الداخلي الذي يعاني منه. أوبوان كينوبي، الذي يلعب دور المعلم، يظهر كرمز للخير، مما يزيد من…

  • Whiplash




  • Eyes Without a Face

    Eyes Without a Face


    " They've removed all the mirrors "
    " But I can see the reflection in the glass "

  • Colonials



    قاعد بالصاله وحطيت bein movies وشفت هالفلم وياليتني ماشفته

  • Anatomy of a Murder

    Anatomy of a Murder


    James Stewart is one of the best actors I have ever seen

  • The Fault in Our Stars

    The Fault in Our Stars


    فيلم "The Fault in Our Stars" مستوحى من رواية تحمل نفس الاسم للكاتب جون غرين. تدور القصة حول "هزل" و"أوغستوس"، وهما شابان يلتقيان في مجموعة دعم لمرضى السرطان. هزل تعاني من سرطان الغدة الدرقية، بينما أوغستوس قد تعافى من سرطان العظام ولكنه فقد ساقه.

    تتطور علاقة قوية بينهما، حيث يتشاركان لحظات جميلة وصعبة. يسافران معًا إلى أمستردام للقاء كاتب هزل المفضل، مما يضيف عمقًا لتجربتهما. 

    فكرة الفيلم تدور حول كيفية مواجهة الحياة رغم الألم والمعاناة. الرسالة الرئيسية التي يمكن تعلمها…

  • Midnight in Paris

    Midnight in Paris


    The film "Midnight in Paris" is a distinctive cinematic work directed and written by Woody Allen, released in 2011. The story revolves around the character Gil (played by Owen Wilson), an American screenwriter who visits Paris with his fiancée. During his stay, Gil finds himself traveling back in time to the 1920s, where he meets several famous literary and artistic figures such as Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf, and Picasso.

    The narrative explores themes such as nostalgia, the search for identity,…

  • Good Will Hunting

    Good Will Hunting


    The film "Good Will Hunting," directed by Gus Van Sant, was released in 1997 and is considered one of the classic films in American cinema. The story revolves around Will Hunting, portrayed by Matt Damon, who is a young mathematical genius but lives a difficult life due to his past. He works as a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where a mathematics professor, played by Stellan Skarsgård, discovers Will's talent and decides to help him.

    The narrative delves…