

M. Night and Mukdeeprom cooked up a visual storm—so many ludicrously delicious frames here— I don't think anyone else is making films like this right now. This is equally ridiculous and thrilling, and let's be clear: it's incredibly silly. And Josh Hartnett is the glue that holds it all together; he's hilarious. A total standout. Early on, it feels quite video game-like, pushing visual boundaries and being very reminiscent of the Hitman games. Full of absurd power plays and setups that only M. Night could pull off. Admire how each conversation is shot, as tight and intimate as possible while capturing every foolish and panic-fueled character response. But, most significantly, it feels so full of love. It goes without saying that much of this is an homage to his love for his family and his daughter's talents, all while remaining darkly hilarious and human. The guy simply enjoys making films with his family, and I think that’s really cool.

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