Sethsreviews’s review published on Letterboxd:
adheres to the usual beat-by-beat approach of these kinds of films and is more concerned with its melodramatic sincerities at its core than it is with pushing the bounds beyond typical genre clichés in its emotional buildup. It all truly worked for me. To be honest, it's pretty admirable how much it works in-fact, considering how silly it is. but you’ve got these wonderfully rendered George Lucas-like digital cityscapes and a tale that habitually takes you in multiple directions before culminating in a breathtakingly dramatic both literal and symbolic eruption. a full cycle of destruction. Listen, I can for sure understand why some people don't particularly enjoy this kind of work; as I've stated in relation to another film recently, this is essentially an access point film; you're either completely in or wholeheartedly out, and I'm gladly very much within.