

Favorite films

  • Children of Men
  • The Thing
  • Nope
  • The Blob

Recent activity

  • Y2K


  • The Apprentice


  • Star Trek: Section 31

  • Smile 2


Recent reviews

  • Y2K



    "Never thought I'd die next to a rock-rapper."

    "What about with a homie?"

    More powerful than the nostalgia for the turn of the century is my nostalgia for 2 extinct genres: The teen comedy and the monster movie. Y2K effectively fuses them together, and it's just kind of a blast? Yeah, I don't get the tepid response for this one. I love the visual style, especially for the robot monsters, and Kyle Mooney's sense of humor pretty much always works…

  • The Apprentice

    The Apprentice


    I can tell it's good art because it made me sick to my stomach at multiple points. The single most important choice made for The Apprentice was for Sebastian Stan to not do a "Trump" impression and instead play him as the human being he theoretically once was. This is seemingly a story about how the now infamous fascistic President lost his last vestiges of humanity, which I thought might have been in bad taste, but I don't think that's…

Popular reviews

  • Dear Santa

    Dear Santa


    You know movie climaxes? The part where all the plotlines converge and maybe there's a ticking clock or some other form of tension, and all the disparate parts see payoff as the protagonist faces personal challenges and completes their arc? Yeah, would be cool if this movie had one of those. It just kinda meanders on for 15 minutes too long and then a deus ex machina makes the ending absurdly happy; no lessons learned.

    I had some small hope…

  • Beware! The Blob

    Beware! The Blob


    It's a shame they hadn't invented jokes yet in 1972. They had to make do with antics.

    The lowest brow, lowest effort comedy you've ever seen, accompanied by music that constantly assures you that it's actually hilarious. Not a punchline to be seen in the interminable 90-minute runtime. Instead, gorilla costumes and incoherent mumbling from a cast who is clearly making up their dialog on the spot has to fill that void.

    It's one of the few movies with actively…