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No Country for Old Men 2007
To keep this simple and frank, might be the best thriller of all time and one of the best films ever made
Magnolia 1999
3 hours of perfection, it feels like a narrator tells
a story without realizing that will ended. You will feels connected to each characters, every moments in this movie is so pure and raw. The conflict that each character goes through has a beautiful tone. Aimee Mann knows how to represent a song into a statement. Can’t get tired with PTA
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Only God Forgives 2013
Kinda dissapointed. Theres a lot that I love about it (especially visual) but at the same time narratively my investment was just never fully there. While it’s revenge theme where done so well, the plot at points felt a bit bland and slow for me. But at least it is pretty good action thriller with some beautiful use of color and great atmosphere plus+ Ryan Gosling!
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Snowpiercer 2013
Dystopian world post apocalyptic action flic that was directed masterfully by Bong Joon Ho. It is unbelievable how amazing this movie is. The way an action movie can deal with social classes, humanity and sacrifice in such a cool execution is just class there’s just so much to love about this. Chris Evans performance in this movie will forever be the best he ever do it. Overall this movie is just so fucking cool and I had a great time with this.