My Top 100 Films of all Time in order
Crime Films
The best crime films I’ve seen. If y’all have any suggestions please comment below and I’ll take a look.
Mind Fu#k
These are a list of films that after I got done watching the film I was either A in shock,…
Based on real events
Based on real people and events
2022 | Ranked
This is my list for films and shows I’ve liked from the year 2022. I will continue to make a…
James Bond | Ranked
The complete 007 film collection ranked in order from my favorite to my least.
Horror Films
This is a list of horror films in no particular order that I think anyone who is a fan of…
Star Wars Franchise | Ranked
All Star Wars projects in order feel free to debate or if I need to add films/ TV shows comment…
31 Days of Halloween 🎃
This list goes in order of what film you should watch corresponding to that day for example, in spot 1…
Scooby Doo Films | Ranked
This list is currently not in order