List of 2025 films ranked in order.
Watched To be logged
List of films I’ve watched that I need to do a review for but sometimes I get lazy.
Monthly watches
Films I’ve watched during the current month.
This list will be deleted at the end of every month and the…
Based on real events
Based on real people and events
Horror Films
This is a list of horror films in no particular order that I think anyone who is a fan of…
2024 | Ranked
Real Reviews of the films are logged in the notes section! This is a list of films I want to…
Who don it
This is a list of who don it films some with great twist some that are just good murder mystery’s…
Eggars | Ranked
Robert Eggars films ranked.
Films with Cults in them.
A24 | Ranked
All the A24 films I’ve seen and put in order from the best I’ve seen to the worst I’ve seen.
1-76: Stand alone slasher films.
The rest are all franchises in the order you see them on this List!
Movies I want to buy
Any recommendations please comment and check out my list of movies I own to make sure you aren’t suggesting something…