Dragons Forever

Dragons Forever

Bite it, your hands are busy.

Inspired by Shang-Chi, when I feel like I have any excuse to watch a new Jackie film, I take it. In this one, Jackie and his crew play bumbling lawyers that are like if the Three Stooges knew kung-fu. The story can get difficult to follow, nor is it very engaging, but as usual, that's not the main attraction here. At times here, I would say this is the fastest I've seen Jackie move next to his insane choreography during the finale of Wheels on Meals. Akin to that, whatever shortcomings there are here leading up to it, Dragons Forever has the kind of bombastic factory finale fight sequence that dreams are made of. It makes the price of admission worth it on its own, and at least beforehand, you get some good goofy, deeply silly physical comedy along the way. There's this particular repeated gag where the main bad guy keeps a cigar in his hands or in his mouth at all times, and how you see him go about doing that when he gets more overtly involved in fights is very fun and very funny. Makes me appreciate a film like Police Story or even Rumble in the Bronx that manages to get a good balance between the action and the plot and its characters. I like when guys in suits punch each other and get thrown off things though, so there's always that here.


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