While inarguably in the shadow of the iconic predecessor, Gladiator II serves as a satisfying follow up thanks to its’ strong production value and a commanding supporting turn from Denzel Washington.
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Unstoppable 2024
Familiar, but well acted and inspiring, Unstoppable plays its’ familiar story with emotional sincerity, resulting in a serviceable crowd pleaser to add to the well worn genre.
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The Bye Bye Man 2017
The only thing someone should've said "Bye Bye" to was the person who presented the studio with this script.
Spotlight 2015
Spotlight is one of those movies that does not hit a single wrong note from the opening frame to the end credits. Flawless acting, writing and direction come together so beautifully to create a procedural drama equal parts riveting and emotionally wrenching. As someone who loves movies, it has everything I could possibly want a film to have. As an aspiring journalist, it showcases the importance of a profession where fighting for the truth can be an uphill battle. I will be shocked if I see a movie in the remainder of 2015 that is better than this undisputed masterpiece.