Blazing Saddles

Blazing Saddles

"Mongo only pawn in game of Life."

Politically incorrect in the most progressive way. Actually, this is probably the most liberal comedy I've seen from its era, and very possibly the blueprint for the interracial partners in crime tropes.

You just know a script co-written by Mel Brooks (whose own cameo is just scene-stealing) and Richard Pryor will be a surefire riot, and Blazing Saddles is the type of off-limits racy comedy that doesn't hesitate to tackle the American taboos. As a parody of the traditionally white Western, it subverts the genre by introducing a charming black protagonist who fights racist white rednecks. It never shies away from showing the ugly face of racism, and instead uses it as comedy gags with pride. It's also refreshing how this constantly breaks the fourth wall and concludes in a glorious group fight. Highly recommended.

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