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Favorite films

  • GIFT
  • Boyfriends and Girlfriends
  • Ivan the Terrible, Part I
  • Distant Voices, Still Lives

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  • Björk: Cornucopia

  • Fat City


  • Stagecoach

  • Monsieur Hulot's Holiday


Pinned reviews

  • Earth



    Really incredible film. The fact that Dovzhenko was able to make such a masterful and intelligent film about the move towards collectivization in the midst of the Five Year Plan is kind of insane. Plus, this film is made even more subversive when one considers the film's (and Dovzhenko's) tenuous position as being determinedly Ukrainian, where some of the most fertile lands in the Soviet Union were located.

    My immediate reaction while watching this was to reach for comparison to…

  • The Legend of Suram Fortress

    The Legend of Suram Fortress

    "Rivers flow to the seas. And the seas are never overflown. The water goes back to its source in order to flow forever. Everything disappears and everything remains in the universe."

    The Legend of Suram Fortress is a striking and specifically Georgian reappropriation (or perhaps reimagining) of the sacrifice of Christ. It follows a dream-like narrative which eventually leads to Zurab, son of the czar, walling himself inside Suram Fortress to prevent it from perpetually crumbling. I really wish I…

Recent reviews

  • Presence



    a movie that every 22-year-old film student wants to make, shot by a 62-year-old Steven Soderbergh 👎

  • The Plough and the Stars

    The Plough and the Stars


    The most credit I can dole out here: we never really question why Barbara Stanwyck is in the middle of Dublin! Me personally, if Missy were my Irish wife, I would just Not do a rebellion & stay home :-)

Popular reviews

  • A Slightly Pregnant Man

    A Slightly Pregnant Man


    Catherine Deneuve knocking up her husband is the biggest dick energy I've ever seen. Icon.

  • The New World

    The New World

    The New World reproduces and romanticizes one of the oldest and most harmful myths that has ever existed- not just in American history- but throughout global imperial history. Despite brief moments of compelling and beautiful cinematography, I have deep issues with Malick's interpretation of events. It's impossible for me to address everything wrong with this three-hour movie in this format, so I just thought I'd jot some thoughts down for now.

    I want to make clear that I'm in no…