
Noah  Patron

Favorite films

  • La Haine
  • Do the Right Thing
  • City of God
  • 12 Angry Men

Recent activity

  • Lenin in 1918


  • Loyal Citizens of Pyongyang in Seoul


  • City of God


  • Apocalypse Now

Recent reviews

  • City of God

    City of God


    "Can you read?"
    "I can only read pictures."

    Probably the perfect gangster film. It could be so brutal and violent, but every decision made sense and every character was so believable. It just weaves all of these different personal stories together in such an organic way.

    It's also political in exactly the right way. Chronic unemployment, poor housing, over-policing, racism, lack of education etc. etc. are the general backdrop of the story instead of the direct subject. So you come to naturally understand how these things affect the Brazilian lumpenproletariat without being lectured to by some shitty political exposition.

    Very very very very good.

  • Apocalypse Now

    Apocalypse Now

    I don't know why I expected Hollywood to produce a genuinely anti-war film. I guess because Apocalypse Now is so popular I thought it would have something worthwhile to say, but nope.

    There's no Vietnamese or Communist perspective. It has nothing to say about the brutality of the American Empire. It confuses the ways of this empire as 'human nature'.

    But oh, it shows how horrible the war was for AMERICAN SOLDIERS. I don't really care. It's like making a…

Popular reviews

  • Gladiator



    Not my cuppa tea. It's the sort of film you're forced when you're round your nan and grandad's house. Honestly a little bit excruciating to watch, it's just so boring. I get why a lot of people like it, but this style of historical film is just dull as hell for me.

  • Breathless



    Man I really thought I was going to like this a lot more than I did. It's shot so beautifully and I really like the spontaneity of it but the story is pretty underwhelming tbh. And the characters didn't feel real or fleshed out I guess?? Would people like this film if it wasn't pretty, old and French? Idk. 6.8/10
