Mr. DuLac’s review published on Letterboxd:
🎅 Merry Christmas! 🎄
Really lazy setup that doesn’t match up with the tone of the film, so taking that into consideration the rest of the movie has no right being as good as it is.
Basically, Terminator in a Santa suit minus any plot. That could work with the right characters you say? Luckily this has those characters.
Loved Tori and Robbie because they basically reminded me of myself and/or my friends when we were younger. Doesn’t hurt that Riley Dandy is awesome in this. She hits just the right balance of flawed character, but still badass. Sam Delich does great job too as their characters complement each other.
I’m a fan of Joe Begos‘ films so far from what I’ve seen. This one maybe being tied with Bliss or a close second.
Degrees of Separation from Last Movie:
-Christmas Bloody Christmas with Dora Madison
-Was in VFW with William Sadler
-Was in Machete Kills with Mel Gibson
-Was in Lethal Weapon