Morgane ☕️

Morgane ☕️ Patron

when in doubt always watch a movie

Favorite films

  • Babylon
  • The Green Mile
  • La La Land
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

Recent activity

  • The French Dispatch


  • Maria


  • Hit Man


  • The Elephant Man


Pinned reviews

  • Companion



    “Are you breaking up with me?”
     “It’s not you. It’s me.”

    I would also go mad if Sophie Thatcher was breaking up with me.

    Overall it is a pretty good and entertaining movie but I won’t lie, the plot was a bit boring, the ending felt completely rushed and the pace of the movie was a bit messy. I was also expecting it to be more scary but Sophie Thatcher still kept me in awe for most of the movie !!

  • There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood


    " I drink your milkshake ! I drink it up ! " 

    Daniel Day-Lewis delivers a powerful performance as Daniel Plainview, a man consumed by greed and ambition. His descent into madness is terrifying as well as mesmerizing. I also loved Paul Dano in that movie, he was truly brilliant.

    The atmosphere is dark and suffocating, with its eerie score. This movie is the perfect portrayal of how greed destroys everything it touches.

    Definitely recommend it !

Recent reviews

  • The French Dispatch

    The French Dispatch


    " Is somebody coming to take him away? "
    " There's a strike at the morgue. "

    Wes Anderson truly captured that je-ne-sais-quoi and true french spirit.

    Wes Anderson - Ranking 

  • Maria



    "Book me a table at a café where the waiters know who I am. I’m in the mood for adulation"

    Maria Callas was maybe an icon but above all she was a diva.

Popular reviews

  • The Elephant Man

    The Elephant Man


    "My life is full because I know I am loved."

    What a devastating movie, Joseph Merrick you deserved so much love !

  • Hit Man

    Hit Man


    I fear that Glen Powell dressed as Patrick Bateman would have worked on me…