MaximusSol’s review published on Letterboxd:
Don’t get me wrong - I laughed, a lot, all throughout this absurdly bloody team-up of all team-ups, and just like everyone else, I’m gaga over the comics-accurate threads, multiple splash page homages, and Wolvie in his mask, which is appropriately much more of a battle helmet than a mere face covering, but golly gee is this film in need of a coherent script and a director with a sense of aesthetic sensibility, because no character had any depth and the film itself lacks a unifying tone. Look I really enjoyed the cameos but the exposition necessary to land the plane here is just too much.
By the time we got to them fighting an army of Deadpools, I was like, sure whatever, not knowing or caring suddenly why my screen was filled with a solid hundred or so Deadpools a la Across the Spiderverse, or what that had to do with the larger plot. At least I don’t think I needed to watch WandaVision all over again as homework, but episode of 5 of Season 1 of Loki is on the to-do list. Wolverine’s big reveal about why he’s the “worst Wolverine” was so underwhelming - wait cuz Logan went out to grab a beer - a bunch of humans came over to the mansion and killed the X-men? What?
Let me guess, Ryan Reynolds and director Shawn Levy are bros who like to laugh and joke on set?
Whatever. It’s fine. Jackman looks great, and that’s the main thing. Seriously.