The Long, Long Trailer

The Long, Long Trailer

To end my week of watching nothing but Lucille Ball in honor of mother's 113th birthday, I decided to watch a LITERAL cinematic masterpiece. The Long, Long Trailer is a 1954 romcom directed by Oscar-winning director Vincente Minnelli starring Emmy-winning actress Lucille Ball and her Emmy-winning producer husband Desi Arnaz.

I don't know where to begin with to be honest. This movie does an EXCELLENT job at blending comedy, romance, and emotion. The fact this film perfectly uses Lucille's skill at physical comedy in order to hide the fact the movie progressively gets more and more depressing as it goes on. The Academy was too scared to nominate Lucille Ball because they knew her win would set an impossible standard most actresses wouldn't be able to reach. Vincente Minnelli KNEW that Lucille Ball was perfect to play the role of Tacy.

People like to credit Desi Arnaz for being a smart businessman and this movie is one MORE piece of proof. He predicted that in the 2020s, many sketchy influencer families would be living in an RV. He decided to be among the first to make a movie capitalizing on it. And for that, people should put more respect into Desi's name.

The fashion in this movie ate so badly. Lucille Ball looked like a literal model in these outfits and she was so real for rewearing some of them on I Love Lucy. I'd so the same. Also props to Desi for knowing he had to actually put in effort in his outfits for peak cinema.

It's so depressing how people secretly shit on this cinematic masterpiece. You pretentious motherfuckers should stop lying and embrace loving The Long, Long Trailer. I'm glad the rating on Letterboxd for this film jumped from 3.3 to 3.4 stars since the last time I reviewed it. It's literal peak. However, fuck the Rotten Tomatoes critics for only giving this 55% on Rotten Tomatoes. The Oscars were too scared to nominate The Long, Long Trailer because they KNEW it would've won every category and they wanted to "play fair" (smh).

To conclude my review, The Long, Long Trailer is literal peak and we should stop pretending this shit is ass.

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