

The duality of being applied to the once Wild West. Heroic myths revisioned and exposed as the cowards they were. Hackman is a mesmerising presence on screen. Eastwood’s usual calm-and-collected mannerisms are so well placed here that it is baffling and Freeman’s presence helps setting the comradely tone that is much needed for both his and Eastwood’s characters. The constant mumbling about missing the comforts of their homes or becoming factual about the romanticised past of their peers strips down all the preconceived notions about the outlaw lifestyle. Eastwood’s direction is commanding and provides a clean yet explicit view of the troubles of these characters and their imminent fate. A close look that’s quite resourceful in opening up the characters’ true emotions and allowing the viewer to catch a glimpse of the weight these men and women carry on their shoulders. An achievement in stripping down masculinity and masculine traits and myths, and exposing how much of a depressive era this one was. Superb cast and superb cinematography, and a spectacular script. So ruthless yet delicate, passionate yet cold-hearted. The best of the best.

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