My review used to be a short silly joke one after I've seen it in theaters (and not in my living room on Netflix like the American corporate garbage is trying to sell it). Before it came out in the United State, I could be confident saying this film was good, because the vast majority agreed on it. Now, when I briefly mentionned this film in a instagram story, I got messages from friends WHO AREN'T EVEN CINEPHILES telling me…
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Sherlock Jr. 1924
This is the kind of film that remind me of how much I love cinema. In this film only the bare necessary is written for the public but doesnt cut the pace at all. There is a movie-in-a-movie storyline in which the character is literally transported into the world in the screen and I find this image quite beautiful. The way the character is himself working in the cinema industry and passionate about's almost like he is portraying cinephiles,…
Recent reviews
Occult 2009
Japanuary 2025 #10
Last film on the challenge, and I ended it on a director that both made a film I ansolutely loved and absolutely hated. So I didnt really know what to expect out of a third film, and turns out it is really good. Drags a bit when it's not the first and lqst 30 minuted, but I found a lot of great things from Noroi: The Curse in Occult. The climax in particular may be even more terrifying than Noroi. -
Tampopo 1985
Japanuary 2025 #9
Very cute and inspiring movie with likeable characters, funny and pretty to look at. I could've liked this film more than this. Sadly I really didnt like the turtle scene and the erotism was also... kind of out of place ? Pretty hard to watch if you're not a meat eater.
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Mozart, l'Opéra Rock 2009
Une meuf de ma classe quand elle a vu ce DVD dans mon sac : "toi ça se voit tu voues tes nuits à l'assassymphonie"
Jsp si elle voulait dire que j'étais gay ou emo -
Barbarian 2022
Who brainwashed you guys into thinking this was good. Are you held at gunpoint ? The worst horror film I've seen since Slenderman. FUCKING SLENDERMAN.
First, it's ugly. The editing is boring, it's just shot after shot of people talking, and filming spooky dark corridors, and overall everything soulless Netflix and Marvel has been feeding us these past years. The "monster" looked like mobile game graphics most of the time.
Also it was supposed to be shocking. I'm still waiting…