

Good lord is this bad.  I had no idea James Wan directed this, and when his name popped up on the screen at the end, I was shocked.  He seems much more comfortable crafting tightly-knit horror films, and clearly was going for a cash-grab.  Or maybe he wanted to prove he could direct a comic book film.  Either way, it’s a massive failure, and is only barely salvaged somewhat by its visuals.  The effects in this are actually pretty damn good — too bad all of that is ruined by a mediocre script, horrible performances, and an over-the-top tone that was fun to laugh at and not much else.  
          A cut above Justice League and Man of Steel, but that’s not saying much, considering how horrid those movies are.  It actually feels generous to give it two stars, but I did find myself impressed with how it looked a lot of the time.  The score was hit-or-miss — at times cheesy, at other times sounding like a cool Clockwork Orange/Blade Runner homage.  
          The actor who plays Aquaman as a teenager gives one of the worst performances I’ve ever seen.  I honestly was awestruck at how bad it was.  
           It surprised me how boring and monotone Jason Momoa was as Aquaman in this, given that his comic timing was one of the sole bright spots of Justice League.  
           Dafoe and Kidman are wasted in thankless roles.  And Patrick Wilson deserves a Razzy for this — he is astonishingly bad.  Not sure if it was possible to do much better with that writing, but he is so one-note and out of his element... literally (a water joke Dafoe actually makes in the film).  
           Another misfire for the DC Universe.

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