

2014: Ranked
Christopher Nolan: Ranked

«We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.»

Ever since Inception I've admired Christopher Nolan. I deeply enjoyed the concepts he explored through the film, and the technical aspects were quite impressive. He pushed the limits of cinema and quite frankly, I couldn't ask for more.

With Interstellar, Nolan, once again nails it. Although he doesn't achieve the high levels of elegance and sharpness of Inception, he comes close to it, and evidently, he replaces those elements with heart.

Matthew McConaughey carries the film effortlessly, he doesn't seem confused by the science behind the film (at least not on screen). What helped the film grandly, is that McConaughey nails every emotive scene, he transmits an humane condition that appeals to your sentimental side.

On the other hand, Anne Hathaway did seem confused with the tone of her lines. She carries practically one of the most important monologues on the film, and she, sadly, doesn't get it right.

Love trespassing different dimensions is a concept so transcendental and serious, both humane and alien. I don't know what needed the scene where she is expressing that concept, but I'm pretty sure the way she interpreted it was misguided. She surely looked like a lunatic to me, and laughter is evidently not the reaction expected of the public. Reading some reviews, I wasn't the only one who laughed.

But oh well, that was my only big complaint. The cinematography is great, the score is probably this year's best, and the #DockingScene is simply astounding.

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