Freud's Last Session

Freud's Last Session

I will say I was a little disappointed at the very end when the film notes that the inspiration for this story was Freud mentioning he met with an Oxford professor a few weeks before his passing. The entire time watching the movie, I was thinking that it was verified that these two had talked and this story was “maybe their conversation went a little like this…” But I'm not liking that one more degree of separation from truth of “WHAT IF IT WAS CS Lewis, and what if it went like this…”

Both actors are great. That's no surprise. Sure, their characters weren't incredibly versatile, but with this narrative, I give that a pass. These two legends came into the room, each with an intention. One to validate faith in God, and the other to debunk what they consider to be childish fairytales. Of course they will be more inclined to focus on one aspect of their mindset in a debate.

Surprise, surprise, there is no clear winner here. You don't get the sense that either man's mind has been changed, but there are moments during their discussion in which each man is forced to consider something that they hadn't thought about before. That's really the best you can hope for on any debate of a topic of this magnitude.

Their conversation gets intense, dramatic and personal. You wouldn't think two men of this intellect would succumb to taking things too personally. While they came close, I much appreciated towards the end of their discussion, after a very heated moment, Freud playfully hitting Lewis in the shoulder, as to say, “We've been slinging stones at each other's beliefs, but isn't this nice that we can still walk away from each other with some level of respect.”

I'm a fan of limited storytelling, so I would have appreciated them sticking to just two men talking in a room more. Didn't feel it necessary that they jumped around to memories as much as they did. But all in all, this was a pretty decent and intriguing theological conversation.

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