KriscoSlice’s review published on Letterboxd:
This is quite the Odyssey for poor, tragic Beau. He's oddly likable and I found myself sympathizing with him every step of the way.
The first half is downright, absurdly hilarious. Let's see how many ridiculous characters and situations we can throw at this highly sensitive man. It spoke directly to my funny bone.
The second half starts artistic and beautiful, deepening our minds and hearts and really touching into Beau's life's journey as a whole. That portion feels a little like Wes Anderson at his best. The second half ends mind-bending, and nothing short of bat-shit crazy.
I've been woefully disconnected from movie knowledge in the past couple years. I'm embarrassed to say that while watching, I had no idea who wrote and directed on this film. However, as the end credits rolled, with the viewing journey I just experienced, I found myself thinking, “Of course…Ari Fucking Aster.”