The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid

It came out on Disney plus so I figured I should watch it. I was expecting to hate it because I looooved the original and when I heard Aquafina was in it I lost all hope for a live action remake as I had already been let down in the past by the Lion King and Beauty and the Beast. I don't love the idea of remaking this movie and I think it lost a lot of its original charm in the making but some of the shots were actually so beautiful it kind of made it worth it.

The whole time I felt these weird back and forth feelings where I would get annoyed that (for example) Scuttle was LITERALLY UNDERWATER even though she's a BIRD but then the next scene is absolutely stunning like the dance scene in Under the Sea. Btw it's also so funny to me that Ariel will burst into the most moving song and vocals ever over like a fork or spending 5 seconds with Eric but when Sebastian arranges a whole interactive underwater concert for her she gives so little of a fuck that the best she can muster up is a couple of little vocal runs.

Moments I hated: everything Scuttle was in, most of the underwater scenes, how dry Triton's beard was even though he was literally underwater, how everytime I want to listen to Kiss the Girl now I have to specify the 1989 version

Moments I liked: THE PINK MOON IT WAS SO CUTE, Max the dog <3, JESSICA ALEXANDER AS VANESSA/URSULA, and 2/3 of the new songs... The songs were def not the same and that annoyed me like some of the melodies were slowed down or altered but then Halle would add something that was so incredible I couldn't even be mad. Anyway I liked it even though it was so different from the original so I guess different doesn't always mean bad.

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