Die Hard

Die Hard


“Oh John what the fuck are you doing. How the fuck you get into this shit.”

Haven’t watched this all the way through in probably close to 10 years, and my god no wonder it’s so often referenced, praised, and talked about. It continually improves every viewing. 

There’s really nothing to complain about. This is the complete package when it comes to action movies. A badass protagonist in John McClane, a cunning villain in Alan Rickman’s Hans Gruber, loads of one liners that still rip today, bullets, blood, infused comedy that never goes overboard, great sidekicks on both sides, the Nakatomi Tower, and set during Christmas!? 

A huge staple in cinema for the holiday season and action genre. It’s held steady in the top 5 action films of all time, and is likely not dropping anytime soon.

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