

The more and more that I think about it, the less and less I like Spawn. Not that it's a good film by any means. Its an entirely cringe and horribly dated - no excuse for a film released during a time where films such as Back to the Future, Terminator and many more were released - and completely laughable effort at bringing to screen one of the most badass comic book characters of all time. Granted, they did do well in visually bringing Spawn's design to the big screen. Indeed, most of what does work in the film revolve around the magnificent look of Spawn's devilishly good-looking cape just doing its thing.

Besides that, however, its a bit difficult to find any positives here. Spawn himself is nothing more than a bland character and due to a lack of development, we hardly ever care for him or find him interesting. None of the performances here are even close to even being solid - although at least John Leguizamo nails his interpretation of the Violater, but the writing renders him almost completely annoying. Tonally, it's all over the place and the visual effects are simply horrible even for that period in time, which only makes it worse when the finale simply overdoses on them. The editing choices here are simply random and serve no purpose - one can only assume they had fun coming up with transitions to make their film look good.

Spawn is an absolute mess of a film, but with a reboot on the way, here's hoping that they get it right this time because with a character and source material brimming with potential to be such a unique entry into the genre, there is no excuse. At least it was so bad that its good.

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