

You know, when you watch movies almost daily, you start to see a lot of the same things. Soon the subpar films start to blur together and you begin to pray that you'll see something new. At some point, its easy to feel like you've seen everything cinema has to offer. That's how I've been feeling lately.

Until Interstellar.

I'd heard news a few weeks ago that some critics didn't care for it, and I wrongly let that lower my expectations greatly. Although I've stanned Nolan throughout the entirety of my teens ever since Batman Begins drew me into the world of cinema, I'd started to lose faith since The Dark Knight Rises. However, those three hours tonight- as I watched this film in jaw-dropping 70mm- restored every ounce of faith. Not only did it restore my faith in Christopher Nolan, it restored my faith in film, and the future of film. I don't care how many documentaries you shove in my face about film vs. digital, the film format is SO important. Its beautiful and real in ways that digital will never be able to capture. To think of all the work that went into creating these effects just blows my mind.

Interstellar reaches places we've never gone before, literally and metaphorically. I don't care how little you care about science, if you don't care about the most realistic depiction of a blackhole we've ever created, I don't know what to tell you. That shit is raw, and I'd like to see more of that in movies. At this point in my life, I've seen countless movies set in space, and let me tell you- I fucking hate space. It makes me uncomfortable on an unfathomable level, and I'm usually sick of space by the end of a movie. Interstellar did what I never dreamed of- it made me embrace the space and the beauty of what we don't know.

Honestly, I couldn't imagine a better way for this film to pan out. Everything, from cinematography that reminded me of the past and gave me a glimpse into the future, to a score that played violin on my heartstrings, to Oscar-worthy acting from Chastain and McConaughey and Caine gave me so much life and so much hope for future films to come. Seriously, I ended up crying through most of those three hours and after the movie ended (in an admittedly pathetic manner) because it was just such a well-rounded film. Bravo to everyone involved on this project.

I could go on and on and wax lyrical about everything that made this movie perfect. Instead, I want everyone to go see it. I want people to feel everything I felt, and I genuinely hope most have access to a 70 mm showing, or at least IMAX.

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