The Disaster Artist

The Disaster Artist

Considering how good the book was—and how good this could have been—I can't help but feel disappointed by this. Partly because it turned a fascinating story of a bizarre loner manipulating a struggling young actor to help him work through the trauma of his life... into an all-too-normal (cliché) story of a guy with an accent and a dream. James Franco's performance is solid, but he doesn't scratch the surface of Tommy's quirks and insecurities. Dave Franco, on the other hand, was easily the worst part. Not only can he not act, but he exhibits none of Greg's handsomeness, swagger, or reluctance to get pulled into Tommy's scheme. I've loved The Room for some time, so this was still entertaining, but it was frustrating to know what it could have been.

Story: 1/3 (passable)
Craft: 1/3 (passable)
Spirit: 1/3 (passable)

Total: 3/9 (2 stars)

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