My third spotlight, and the first one I’m going completely blind into. This is the first director that I haven’t…
802 Movie Club
My friends and I participate in a biweekly movie club and I wanted to share the list with anyone who’d…
Physical Media Collection
Finally keeping track of my physical media collection so I can accurately add to it
2013 Movie Release Rankings
The 802 Movie Club is conducting its first Movie Draft! We’ve chosen 2013 as it’s the year we all graduated…
Coen Brothers Power Rankings (Ongoing)
My second director spotlight is shining on the Coen brothers! For this list I will only be ranking the films…
Wes Anderson Power Rankings (Complete)
This will be my first director spotlight! Wes Anderson is one of the more unique directors and one of my…
CineKyle’s Favorite 50
These are some of my all time favorite films, not necessarily the best films of all time, just ones that…
Alphabetical Suggestions
Here’s a collection of recommendations based on the alphabet! I picked four movies for each letter (if possible) and the…
Spooky Season ‘24
Here I will be documenting this years Spooky Season films! I’m trying to only do first time watches but some…