Solo: A Star Wars Story

Solo: A Star Wars Story

I really didn’t like this one. 

The film played out with near constant action, SFX, score, and gritty colors. It’s actually what I imagined the original Star Wars films to be back before I ever saw them and assumed I would hate them. Of course, they weren’t like this and I loved them.

Solo completely failed to capture me from the very beginning with its dark color scheme and my stubborn belief that if it’s not Harrison Ford it’s not Han Solo. It never won me over or convinced me to overlook my purist frivolities, which wouldn’t have been that hard to do if the characters had any depth or originality (which they didn’t). Instead, they all felt like archetypes and cameos competing with incessant one-liners. The film just never slowed down or gave me time to breathe, and because of that there was never any suspense. There was plenty of (too much) action but I didn’t care about any of it. Don’t even get me started on the cringeworthy romance. The whole film felt messy and somehow distant from its predecessors.

Also - including Woody Harrelson in this film was an enormous mistake.

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