
Kaijuman Patron

Low budget doesn’t mean low effort

Favorite films

  • Heavy Metal
  • Animalympics
  • Phantasm
  • Metamorphosis

Recent activity

  • Creep


  • Evil Bong 420


  • Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000


  • Ataraxia


Pinned reviews

  • Scooby-Doo! in Arabian Nights

    Scooby-Doo! in Arabian Nights

    Ruh Roh Raggy! #7

    One of the greatest scams of my generation.

    I still remember suffering through this as a very young child, so young I’m kinda amazed I have memories of this. That’s how bad this sucked, it became a defining memory for me.

    I remember getting excited to watch it, I was a big fan of Scooby even then, but that excitement vanished pretty quick once SCOOBY FUCKING LEAVES THE FILM FOR 30 MINUTES! I even remember my…

  • Godzilla Fest 5: All Monsters Showdown

    Godzilla Fest 5: All Monsters Showdown


    A Walk Amongst Monsters #120

    Jet Jaguar gets his own Gigan scythes and rocket-punches one of them into Ghidorah’s chest. What a Chad.

    Godzilla continues to beat the shit out of former foes in these little annual shorts. It’ll never get old, watching Godzilla land a right hook on Ghidorah’s head is worth it alone. 

    Both G-man and Jet Jaguar get to whoop ass, and get their asses whooped. Ghidorah ain’t no bitch, and even though his suit requires more…

Recent reviews

  • Ataraxia



    Hallucinatory visions of twisted flesh amid Armageddon. 

    Joe Meredith produces yet another fever dream of analog madness, this time crafting his most straightforward story yet. Gone is the somber, dreamlike misery of his earlier works, instead we get something much more akin to the Analog Horror craze on YouTube. 

    The video is compiled of footage taking place during and after a catastrophic storm that unleashed horrific anomalies upon the earth. A nightmare scenario unfolds as humanity begins to mutate into…

  • Creature



    This film opens with a gratuitous full-frontal nude scene before something creeps up and chomps her legs off. This film knows what it’s about.

    This is my kinda trash. Undeniably grimy and drenched in sleaze for sleaze’s sake, Creature aims at being an exploitative…. well, Creature Feature, and more or less succeeds. You get plenty of guts and gore, with an equal amount of boobs, and the monster loves to violate women and feast on men. The classic Roger Corman…

Popular reviews

  • Suzume



    “I feel like I’m in Whisper of the Heart!”

    Pure magic.

    There’s a large group of people on Letterboxd that hate Makoto Shinkai’s films and I’m so glad I’m not one of them.

    I don’t care if it’s cheesy, or if it’s saccharine, or if he loves using similar tropes in his films, because I adore every single second of these films.

    They fill me with such overwhelming joy and elation. Any time I watch Your Name or Weathering with…

  • 28 Weeks Later

    28 Weeks Later


    100% rooted for rage dad to tear his little shit kids apart for literally causing “Zombie Apocalypse 2.0”. 

    How dare this movie think I should sympathize with those two fucking assholes after they break rule no. 1 and cause the deaths of hundreds.