Juhana’s review published on Letterboxd:
This movie was fact checked by real Pandoran patriots - TRUE ✅
I will try my best to not just repeat that this looks amazing but you genuinely can't tell most of the time where the visual effects start and end. Just think if all the CGI heavy movies had the time and effort put into them as this. Now I have never been the biggest fan of the Avatar design but they are very quickly growing on me and Quaritch and his crew especially even look cool. Speaking of designs, both new creatures and machines look just incredible, especially the Tulkun, and to continue on the Tulkun; Payakan is the goat and every movie should have Payakan in them. I had forgotten just how strong the emotional beats were in this because goddamn. I'm even more excited for Fire and Ash now if that's possible, they better not delay it.
Movie so long I ate both breakfast and lunch and it still wasn't over.