65 is the first studio blockbuster I've seen in quite a while that genuinely feels unfinished. Between the film clearly working on a much smaller budget than it needed along with the sloppily constructed plot and unnatural narrative flow, I felt as though I was watching a rough cut rather than the finished film. But past that, this is just so aggressively dull and I found myself so cold and detached throughout. While I love Adam Driver and he is trying his best here (he is one of the film's only real positives) he just can't salvage this mess. This could have been such an awesome film but it's taken so deadly serious, and the emotional core of the film is incredibly hollow, so it neither operates as a fun action vehicle nor a dramatic thriller. I'm not sure what else to say about this one; I've practically already forgotten this film and I just saw it a few hours ago. Such wasted potential, and an absolute mess as a whole, albeit one with a few glimmers of something better buried in there.

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